Tackling Technique

Author: Alex McLachlan 

Tackling is one of the most vital parts of Rugby. Younger players must realise that tackling is not about your strength and size or the strength and size of the opposing players, but rather the technique that you have. The ideal tackle will see the tackler have their foot close to the body of the opposition player. The tacklers shoulder should come into contact with the waist of the opposition, this is an important step as using hands and jersey grabbing is a very ineffectual way to tackle and it increases the chances of you breaking your finger. Finally, when tackling you should always end up on top of the tackled player.

Here is a video you can follow to help guide you with your form!

Tackling Instruction Image - http://www.betterrugbycoaching.com/images/BRC724a.gif
Tackling in Action Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xO_FQggmNwY


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